Monday, June 16, 2008

across the universe

across the universe

you say you want a revolution
well, you know we all want to change the world
you tell me that it's evolution
well, you know we all want to change the world
but when you talk about destruction
don't you know that you can count me out
don't you know it's gonna be all right all right, all right
revolution was sung by jude when he came to the headquarter of paco's cause that strived for the discontinuation of sending young american lads to vietnam's war. he was seemingly in distress about the possibility of lucy leaving him for paco. anyhow, it was just a problem faced by jude in his journey in new york city. i like this film...indeed, taking into account that all songs are the beatles'. let alone the fact that bono has sparked the air of awe while he sang 'i am walrus'. also, there's jim sturgess here everyone! the angelicately delicious guy that i've just found a few days ago haha...
i daresay that the story of the film is not an after-thought, seeing that whole characters intertwined each other by beatles' songs. of course, i didn't quite enjoy when it represented scenes in numerous colours that could easily blind my eyes. (i forgot what it's called in photoshop). to be frankly, i was never into any musical movies. but this one, compared to burton's sweeney todd is probably a bit better since i didn't have to see throat-slitting along with flooding blood here and there. this one is definitely in the same league as moulin rouge and greese. and the songs...they just stick into my head, refusing to pop out no matter what. the idea that it's ended by hey jude is even more intoxicating. gawd, i just love the beatles...
hey jude, dont make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let her into your heart
then you can start to make it better

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yoi, film into the wild. film bagus buanget. ak diksh tau org yg ngutip perkataan org (hahaha..), katanya kurang lebih gini: "hal yg pualing (aku lupa 'pualing' apa) keren dari masa muda adlh idealisme"

ak belum baca "civil ..."nya thoreau ('tul g tulisanny?)

btw, ini film yg semua soundtrackny lagu2 recycleny beatles, y?

suatu kebetulan, sbm ngetik ini, bbrp jam lalu aku dpt lagu2 soundtrack film ini, pdhl blm liat filmny.

ZaL : btw, aku link dua blog sampeyan, y?

ninik : y ZaL, gpp.

ZaL : thx. :))