Tuesday, June 3, 2008

a loony inbetween everyone

does a person have to be like everyone else? can’t a person have his/her own distinctiveness? why should a person comply with social norms? why can’t everyone just be himself/herself? what is it so special to be like everyone else?
i can still recall that most of my friends in the college used to call me “weirdo” for I have a quite dissimilar taste of music, films, and clothes. in fact, it actually did go on in the first two of my working years. some of them asked me once, “why can’t you follow what others wear?” “why can’t you just watch mainstream films like we watch now?” “what do you like from the cure?” and sort of questions. i was, without doubt, emotionally tired of having to answer the same inquiries over and over. up to a point, I no longer see any arising benefit that may be brought about by my repetitive answers. in the end, I decided to just act ignorantly towards their whatsoever complaints.
nonetheless, somehow the thought about their questions always tickle my insight. ok, i can make every effort to understand their wish to be in compliance with social likes and dislikes. but why do they have to be so insecure when there’s a person who just happen to be quite the opposite of them? let’s take an instance, tim burton’s films always in a way represent dark and ironic side of life and his unique taste has most often lead him to depict the most repulsive figures and stories that we may never think about. i’m certain that not all people will think highly of his “thought-to-be-grotesque” films. albeit this fact, why don’t we try to appreciate his stranger-than-fiction creation? even if we might not quite grasp a tiny little of the essence.
because after all, we are just individuals who are trying to become. some people may use one way, some others may benefit from the other less traveled way. i’m still me, the one who used to be and still known to be the weirdo, no matter how much efforts put to make me follow the mainstream.

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